There's more to the affinity with rules
There's constancy,
but boredom is not so far behind.
There's order,
yet the need for chaos surfaces
slowly, almost incredibly baffling.
'Follow and you will be rewarded'
so I was told.
But the reward is not what I have hoped
flashes of a promising life,
then I covered both eyes
and blurred the vision of incredulous lies.
The unknown is captivating,
to delve in realms of adventure and peril,
twisting, turning, falling, feeling.
Until you break an ankle and bruise your ego
'enough damage to alter reality'
some wise man said so.
Talk about my lost sense of inertia,
resting numbly under the comforts of challenging pursuits.
Day to day battles,
elaborate plans of future conquests
delicately covers the hollowness of a soul,
a soul searching, a soul unwanted.
Question, try it without reason,
and answers stare blankly with no direction.
The man exists
as it is, never becoming, just being.
Amiable destruction awaits
step closer and your match is made.
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